Whether you are an existing member or a potential new member, the EASP will be closing its membership window for the fourth quarter on Tuesday night at 11:59 p.m. This quarter contains October, normally one of the highest crime months, as well as the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, so we encourage residents to join with their neighbors to support the EASP. We try to maximize our hours at this time of year, especially around the holidays when many of you are traveling. It's good to get some extra eyes on our streets during this time of the year, as our officers help ensure that we have a safe neighborhood, whether we're out of town or celebrating the holidays and new year right here in East Atlanta with our friends and family.
The EASP allocates patrol time largely based on where our members live, so every membership counts. And just think, more members on your street also increases the likelihood that an officer will come by to check on your house or your neighbor's if an out of town patrol request has been submitted to the EASP.
While you don't need to be a member to call the EASP,, more members increases patrol hours and the likelihood that an EASP officer will be on duty when you call us or 911. EASP officers are off-duty APD officers, so they are armed and have full arrest powers. Over half of our officers live or work in East Atlanta, so it's really a community effort. Support your community and become a member today!
The EASP allocates patrol time largely based on where our members live, so every membership counts. And just think, more members on your street also increases the likelihood that an officer will come by to check on your house or your neighbor's if an out of town patrol request has been submitted to the EASP.
While you don't need to be a member to call the EASP,, more members increases patrol hours and the likelihood that an EASP officer will be on duty when you call us or 911. EASP officers are off-duty APD officers, so they are armed and have full arrest powers. Over half of our officers live or work in East Atlanta, so it's really a community effort. Support your community and become a member today!