Coming on the heels of three pedestrian robberies in the Village in the past week, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the crimes in our community. It's also an opportunity to give kudos to our business owners on both sides of Flat Shoals for adding off-duty officers to make us safer when we're in the Village at night. Hopefully we will reward them for their commitment to their customers and employees by continuing to frequent establishments that step up to provide extra security.
Yes, the media will be all over this story today, but let's not assume there will be an immediate arrest or that the problems will disappear if arrests are made. Let's keep up our diligence as a community and report all of the suspicious activity we see to 911 and the EASP at 404-954-1568. You do not need to be a member to call the EASP, but we do ask that you always call 911 before you call us. Be particularly diligent during the hours of 2-6 pm, as this seems to be the main time when our current crop of burglars is searching for targets and committing their crimes.