There have been several break-ins in the past few days in the Bouldercrest and Flat Shoals area. All residents in that vicinity need to be vigilant in reporting suspicious activity to both 911 and the East Atlanta Security Patrol at 404-954-1568. There have been burglaries on both Black Oak and Piper Circle, as well as a couple other crimes or attempted crimes reported on Stallings and Flat Shoals Way. There is a strong possibility that it's a man just released from prison who is living on Bouldercrest. We are working to get a name and picture that can be posted.
There are also active package thieves working our area, so please call these incidents in as well. If you are not a member of the EASP, you can still call in crimes or suspicious activity. Think of the EASP like PBS, a member supported service that all of the community can use. Membership supports patrols of the neighborhood, but we do realize that not everyone can or will support the EASP. That in no way should prevent you from calling. It's great that you post these incidents on Nextdoor, but get them reported to 911 and the EASP right away so that we can give officers a chance to prevent these crimes and to arrest these criminals.
There are also active package thieves working our area, so please call these incidents in as well. If you are not a member of the EASP, you can still call in crimes or suspicious activity. Think of the EASP like PBS, a member supported service that all of the community can use. Membership supports patrols of the neighborhood, but we do realize that not everyone can or will support the EASP. That in no way should prevent you from calling. It's great that you post these incidents on Nextdoor, but get them reported to 911 and the EASP right away so that we can give officers a chance to prevent these crimes and to arrest these criminals.