The EASP has received a couple of reports this weekend that were a bit unusual. If you have information that would be of value in either case, please let us know. Also remember to call 911 for all suspicious activity, particularly in the next few weeks. While we don't experience increased crime in December every year, it does happen some years. Do not call Zone 6, do not look for a non-emergency number and only call the EASP at 404-954-1568 AFTER you have called 911. Many times criminals are seen prior to a robbery or burglary, but the person fails to call 911 or posts something online first The number one priority is to alert the police so they can prevent a crime or catch the perpetrators. Suspicious activity can be people soliciting leaf raking with no tools, vehicles backing into a neighbor's driveway, or anyone ringing your doorbell or on your property who doesn't have a good reason to be there. While these may be false alarms in some cases, it's far better to call and be wrong than after the crime has been committed.
Do not worry that you are wasting the time of 911 or the police. They want you to call in suspicious activity, and always to 911.
A burglary was reported yesterday at 434 Metropolitan Place. This is one of the lowest crime areas in the East Atlanta community, so it's always a little disturbing to hear about burglaries in this vicinity.
There was also a report from Saturday morning at 4:00 am from Braeburn Drive near Ora of a person on the property. A camera caught a glimpse of the person walking past their porch. If you are a neighbor in that area, please check your cameras for activity. There is a legitimate concern that this person could have been scouting their home or adjacent properties for a burglary in the near future.
Finally, the EASP allowed a number of people to sign up and begin memberships in the past week rather than making them wait until January 1st. We will extend this offer to the rest of the community through Thursday, November 30th. New members will receive the remainder of 2017 for free, with their official membership beginning on January 1st. This offer includes extra patrols for anyone who will be out of town for the holidays.
Do not worry that you are wasting the time of 911 or the police. They want you to call in suspicious activity, and always to 911.
A burglary was reported yesterday at 434 Metropolitan Place. This is one of the lowest crime areas in the East Atlanta community, so it's always a little disturbing to hear about burglaries in this vicinity.
There was also a report from Saturday morning at 4:00 am from Braeburn Drive near Ora of a person on the property. A camera caught a glimpse of the person walking past their porch. If you are a neighbor in that area, please check your cameras for activity. There is a legitimate concern that this person could have been scouting their home or adjacent properties for a burglary in the near future.
Finally, the EASP allowed a number of people to sign up and begin memberships in the past week rather than making them wait until January 1st. We will extend this offer to the rest of the community through Thursday, November 30th. New members will receive the remainder of 2017 for free, with their official membership beginning on January 1st. This offer includes extra patrols for anyone who will be out of town for the holidays.